Chancellor Puddinghead

Oh, he's THAT Sean O'Neal?! 

I've never heard of any of these movies, so I will assume they are both new.  I feel so young again!

I've never heard of any of these movies, so I will assume they are both new.  I feel so young again!

Where's Mob Doctor?!

Where's Mob Doctor?!

And I mean this with absolute sincerity. If she really designed these with the intention of having John Lennon wear them, then she was really pushing the boundaries of being an awful piece of indulgent, self-centered trash into a generation just wasn't shitty enough to recognize her genius yet.

And I mean this with absolute sincerity. If she really designed these with the intention of having John Lennon wear them, then she was really pushing the boundaries of being an awful piece of indulgent, self-centered trash into a generation just wasn't shitty enough to recognize her genius yet.

Yoko Ono was truly ahead of her time and also just awful.

Yoko Ono was truly ahead of her time and also just awful.

I always thought Kennedy was hot.  That's how special I was.

I always thought Kennedy was hot.  That's how special I was.

Dude, what the hell?  Great.  Well, what's next on the Netflix queue for me?  Titanic.  That sounds riviting. 

Dude, what the hell?  Great.  Well, what's next on the Netflix queue for me?  Titanic.  That sounds riviting. 

I'd watch one show called "Turn & Halt & Catch Fire", or maybe two shows called "Turn & Halt" and "Catch Fire", but "Turn" just sounds stupid.  I will be naming my next World Of Warcraft character Halton Catchfire, though.

I'd watch one show called "Turn & Halt & Catch Fire", or maybe two shows called "Turn & Halt" and "Catch Fire", but "Turn" just sounds stupid.  I will be naming my next World Of Warcraft character Halton Catchfire, though.

That's actually pretty cool.  Of course, I'm not going to put a record made of ice into my $15,000 player.  

That's actually pretty cool.  Of course, I'm not going to put a record made of ice into my $15,000 player.  

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus That was you?  I remember going back to see that movie again and thinking the end was nearly as spectacular the second time around. 

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus That was you?  I remember going back to see that movie again and thinking the end was nearly as spectacular the second time around. 

Hell yeah, Multiplicity!  Starring Mark Lynn-Baker.  Have a treatment on my desk by Friday.  Or as we say around the office: Fyday.