Chancellor Puddinghead

No no, you see, here in England, what we call a "dick" is actually male genitalia.

I think the part that stood out for me was the scene with Finn and Grace almost getting caught spying on Alex.  A whole lot of tension while Finn tries to use his power to make a can drop, and when he finally does it, Grace yells, "You've got a power!"

I think the part that stood out for me was the scene with Finn and Grace almost getting caught spying on Alex.  A whole lot of tension while Finn tries to use his power to make a can drop, and when he finally does it, Grace yells, "You've got a power!"

Totally.  I think it took until the third time through before I saw the boom mic.

Totally.  I think it took until the third time through before I saw the boom mic.

Why u mad, Jesus?

Why u mad, Jesus?

Because now we're talking about him.  And we're also talking about Two and a Half Men.  I'm sure Ashton Kutcher will have something to say about this shortly.

Because now we're talking about him.  And we're also talking about Two and a Half Men.  I'm sure Ashton Kutcher will have something to say about this shortly.

I would like to know which 177 porn actresses, because if they just googled "famous porn actresses" and asked them, of course they are happy, not on drugs, and generally well-adjusted.  They have successful careers and are well-regarded amongst their peers.  Also, they make pretty decent money doing something they

I would like to know which 177 porn actresses, because if they just googled "famous porn actresses" and asked them, of course they are happy, not on drugs, and generally well-adjusted.  They have successful careers and are well-regarded amongst their peers.  Also, they make pretty decent money doing something they

Oh yeah, Steakflower?  Well, guess what? I'm going to watch it now.  I'm going to watch it so hard you're going to have to start calling it Five Men.  Where's your god now, Steakflower?!

Oh yeah, Steakflower?  Well, guess what? I'm going to watch it now.  I'm going to watch it so hard you're going to have to start calling it Five Men.  Where's your god now, Steakflower?!

Those two wouldn't have such bad headaches if they'd quit touching themselves so much.

Those two wouldn't have such bad headaches if they'd quit touching themselves so much.

This review doesn't feel like a B.  This review seems to be dancing around the point that the author believe Penn Jillette is a hack, and should stick to shouting angrily into a garden hose somewhere.

This review doesn't feel like a B.  This review seems to be dancing around the point that the author believe Penn Jillette is a hack, and should stick to shouting angrily into a garden hose somewhere.

You seem upset.  Why you mad, bro?

You seem upset.  Why you mad, bro?

That applies to just about anything that inspires a rabid following.  I was one of those guys in high school about Rush and the Grateful Dead.  "No wait, just listen to this one song…"  I try not to be that way about My Little Pony.  I am always happy to talk about it, and I'll even lend you my DVD (well, not you.You