Chancellor Puddinghead

I think what he is trying to say is, while 45 and 16 is not legally or socially acceptable, trying to equate it with child rape (as the headline is so clearly trying to do) isn't doing anybody any favors.  Of course, anybody who tries to point this out is immediately suspected of condoning child rape.

This makes sense.  While the digital download was certainly a success, his audience will be limited to people who understand far out concepts like "loading down on the web" and "compooters".  While this does comprise the large majority of his fanbase, the people who do not understand these things, outside of the

This makes sense.  While the digital download was certainly a success, his audience will be limited to people who understand far out concepts like "loading down on the web" and "compooters".  While this does comprise the large majority of his fanbase, the people who do not understand these things, outside of the

Sadly, it's all over for Kevin Clash.  No matter how this ends, he won't be working with CTW any longer. Guilty or not, if he doesn't retire gracefully, CTW will fire him or risk facing a serious backlash from parents who will accuse them of covering for child molesters.  Say goodbye to Elmo, kids.  Say hello to his

Sadly, it's all over for Kevin Clash.  No matter how this ends, he won't be working with CTW any longer. Guilty or not, if he doesn't retire gracefully, CTW will fire him or risk facing a serious backlash from parents who will accuse them of covering for child molesters.  Say goodbye to Elmo, kids.  Say hello to his

Because cheating on your wife and lying to your family about your secret adult lover is not a crime, and we have no real business meddling in those affairs.  Obviously, this line is drawn at affairs between adults.  Affairs and sexual relations with children are a seperate matter entirely.

Because cheating on your wife and lying to your family about your secret adult lover is not a crime, and we have no real business meddling in those affairs.  Obviously, this line is drawn at affairs between adults.  Affairs and sexual relations with children are a seperate matter entirely.

Agreed. Sandusky was diddling little boys, and using his position as Jerry Sandusky to procure little boys for further diddling.  So far, assuming everything I've read is true, Kevin Clash is simply a creep and not so great at making appropriate decisions concerning sexual partners and use of company email.  Not

Agreed. Sandusky was diddling little boys, and using his position as Jerry Sandusky to procure little boys for further diddling.  So far, assuming everything I've read is true, Kevin Clash is simply a creep and not so great at making appropriate decisions concerning sexual partners and use of company email.  Not

I cancelled my subscription to Dish for this?

I cancelled my subscription to Dish for this?

A Star Wars Episode 7 script was already written before they even decided to make an Episode 7?  What a crazy shock.  It's not like there has been 35 years of people sitting around in their basements writing new Star Wars stories and mailing them to George Lucas every day.  I wonder what would happen if I googled

A Star Wars Episode 7 script was already written before they even decided to make an Episode 7?  What a crazy shock.  It's not like there has been 35 years of people sitting around in their basements writing new Star Wars stories and mailing them to George Lucas every day.  I wonder what would happen if I googled

My royal parts are showing!

My royal parts are showing!

I'm willing to accept the wonky physics on Revolution since the writers themselves have made it clear that the power shouldn't be out.  Aaron basically says the same thing we've all been saying; electricity doesn't work like that.  As far as diesel goes, I'm not sure what the technology cutoff is, but every car quit

I'm willing to accept the wonky physics on Revolution since the writers themselves have made it clear that the power shouldn't be out.  Aaron basically says the same thing we've all been saying; electricity doesn't work like that.  As far as diesel goes, I'm not sure what the technology cutoff is, but every car quit

I don't feel like the Angels have lived up to "Blink".  They just aren't as scary as they were.

I don't feel like the Angels have lived up to "Blink".  They just aren't as scary as they were.

The power goes out as soon as anyone gets here, and getting here requires boats at the very least, which would have to be steam if they ever planned on leaving.  And there would be no communication with home once they landed, anyway.  Presumably, Canada and Mexico are equally affected by the power loss, so they