Chancellor Puddinghead

The power goes out as soon as anyone gets here, and getting here requires boats at the very least, which would have to be steam if they ever planned on leaving.  And there would be no communication with home once they landed, anyway.  Presumably, Canada and Mexico are equally affected by the power loss, so they

The big reveal at the end of season one will be the introduction of Dead British Lady's grown son, who will join Charlie and Company after revealing that the power didn't go out all over the world, but only in North America.  Since we can't communicate across the sea any longer, and anybody who tries to come here

The big reveal at the end of season one will be the introduction of Dead British Lady's grown son, who will join Charlie and Company after revealing that the power didn't go out all over the world, but only in North America.  Since we can't communicate across the sea any longer, and anybody who tries to come here

My favorite line was, "What if they want to use it as a weapon?"  Well, of course they want to use it as a weapon.  That's what the Department of Defense does.  What the hell else are you going to do with it?  If a random DoD guy shows up at your house and says, "I want to buy your garbage," they are going to throw it

My favorite line was, "What if they want to use it as a weapon?"  Well, of course they want to use it as a weapon.  That's what the Department of Defense does.  What the hell else are you going to do with it?  If a random DoD guy shows up at your house and says, "I want to buy your garbage," they are going to throw it

Looks like you beat me by just a few seconds.  Oh well, great minds, amirite?

Looks like you beat me by just a few seconds.  Oh well, great minds, amirite?

NCIS:October 19th

NCIS:October 19th

You should reread the PATRIOT Act.

You should reread the PATRIOT Act.

Divorcees named Reba.

Divorcees named Reba.

Wow, now I hate it even more.

Wow, now I hate it even more.

I think the hype was a large part of why many were disappointed.  They really pushed the Based On A True Story angle, even producing a special on SciFi (which is what us ol timers used to call SyFy back in the day).  I found it creepy enough, and can totally recognize its value as a completely amature film with a

I think the hype was a large part of why many were disappointed.  They really pushed the Based On A True Story angle, even producing a special on SciFi (which is what us ol timers used to call SyFy back in the day).  I found it creepy enough, and can totally recognize its value as a completely amature film with a

I saw this years ago.  I remember it tried to shoehorn in some Sixth Sense camera trickery that was meant to provide clues between reality and crazysexytime.  It was just two scenes where the knobs on a cupboard were normal one time, and then shaped in a pentagram at another time.  Pretty weak stuff.

I saw this years ago.  I remember it tried to shoehorn in some Sixth Sense camera trickery that was meant to provide clues between reality and crazysexytime.  It was just two scenes where the knobs on a cupboard were normal one time, and then shaped in a pentagram at another time.  Pretty weak stuff.

It felt like the events at the beginning of this episode happened right after the train fiasco, rather than a few hours after the fact.  Maybe I misinterprated it.  Damn World Series, screwing up my crappy tv, making me wait two weeks and making me forget stuff.