
Yeah, I thought it couldn't get more awkward than Damon and Elena post Nina-Ian-breakup, but you know TVD. Always trying to one-up itself.

Because he and Jenna had an actual relationship that developed slowly, realistically, and awkwardly, whereas his relationship with Jo was basically "because plot"? I agree.

I agree. I didn't like it, but it was realistic. Also, this was my favorite episode of the season, not that that's saying much.

So the baby would go into transition and need to be fed blood to survive? Man, that's a tough decision to make, but I would probably just let the baby die. I hope that doesn't make me a bad person.

Man, Jackson and Hayley had even less chemistry than they usually do this week. It was just confusing levels of "Wait, are they going to do a sex thing?"

At the very least, they could edit all the plot twists we predict so we can go back to the "WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED" feeling of S2.

What, you haven't been in love with every one night stand you've ever had?

At least that was an actual, interesting relationship. He was in Rippah mode, and there was the weird, pseudo-incest thing with her and Klaus.

Oscar made me think of all the fundrunk vamps we've had over the years— Lexi's first appearance, Stefan getting drunk and dancing, and so forth. The show desperately needs fun moments like that.

At this point, it may be the only iteration of TVD that could keep me hooked.

I stopped reading when Alex McCown described Gwen's voice as a "smoky alto." In Tragic Kingdom, she stays primarily in her upper range, sounding more like a soprano than a mezzo-soprano. Even if you don't know vocal parts, it takes 3 seconds to Google. And "smoky"? I don't know where that came from.

I thought it was the last Heretic. The mute guy has a scar from whatever weapon she uses, so I think they encountered her in the past. But maybe it's connected to the Gemini coven somehow

Probably not a big fan of dads, either.

I had the impression the future vampire hunter was a woman. I THINK someone used a feminine pronoun last ep, but I'm certainly not going to watch it again to confirm.

It is weird to me that Bonnie hasn't sung anything yet, considering Kat is the one with a nascent music career. I've actually heard a few of her songs in grocery stores. Candice has recorded music as well, of course, but Kat is a bit more prominent.

Maybe it's a self-aware nod at their treatment of non-white character agency in the past?

Frankly, anyone who brags about outsmarting a child by depriving his younger brother is not a good parent.

I would also settle for "This Week, In Enzo Is The Worst."

I think Valerie is just a cheap knockoff of Bex at this point.

I was so happy we got Human Elena for a few short minutes before she spent her last days trying to convince Damon he wouldn't be happy with her. I will always miss the girl who fought off a vampire in the gymnasium with a fucking broom handle. Bad. Ass.