
I spent ten years of my life doing activist work nearly full-time. I don’t blame people for not bothering because all of that time was essentially wasted. Every positive thing I fought for didn’t work because the people in power, supported by most of the population, chose the self-centered and short-sighted option. I

In Europe, it’s not unusual for people to study two or three foreign languages in high school, plus she speaks Slovene (her native language), and she may speak one or two closely-related languages, or have basic understanding of them. That said, we have no idea of what level she’s at in each language. I very much

Conservatives are really bad at protesting. I remember when there was anti-gay group planning a nationwide protest of Target for their non-discriminatory stance on bathrooms. Lot of prep leading up to it.

I don’t think that’s necessarily true. I’m sure there is research on this. Adolescents (and pre-adolescents) are incredibly impulsive. In some cases, for sure, a suicidal person will find a way. But having easy access to a gun makes it so easy to act at the height of emotion, whereas someone who had to make a plan and

Was looking and looking for this comment before I went and made it. Thank you. It’s an important point to note because it gets confusing especially if you remember that Alexis’ whole family was there singing David bowie (I think?) as Alexis passed. That’s sort of hard to time if one is having a heart attack.

I never even knew that top-sheets were a thing until I started reading Jez. They’re not normal in the UK, and duvet covers are really easy to wash...

I love the European duvet-in-a-duvet-cover thing because the duvet cover acts like an envelope of top sheets around the duvet, so the top sheet can’t get smushed at the bottom of the bed. If, however, the duvet was used by the host family without a duvet cover, then ew and I’d agree with your girlfriend.

I knew it would happen eventually, too, and I’m surprised it lasted this long. Their smugness about the relationship was grating.

The opposite is also true. Around 1999, I stopped volunteering for emotional labor in the office. In 2010, I realized that no one ever considered me for the cake baking or coffee making or fridge cleaning or greeting card send around. (I don’t drink coffee or use the fridge.)

YEEESSS. We have a google calendar. Everything’s on it. And still there’s “What day/time is X thing?” Me: “It’s on the calendar, it’s on the calendar, it’s on the calendar.”

I feel like we need to start talking about Freelee, Banana Girl here.

You're missing the three hours it takes him to poop half a meter of structural grade bamboo.