Pussycat Dome!
Pussycat Dome!
Off, off topic: Josh Duhamel doesn’t know when to use “I” and when to use “me”. I’m guessing you won’t care, though. :-)
At this point, if you even THINK about making the argument that Hillary is just as bad as Trump, please remove yourself from society and just think about what you’ve done for a while.
Look, fuck the Players Tribune forever, but they should win definitely so Vin Scully could ride on a big ass float telling stories about other parades he’s seen
Unfortunately I am compelled to compare everything Lemony Snicket to the incomparable: the audiobooks as performed by Tim Curry, who is the best at everything. But, as you said, the level of talent here is great enough that I can totally get behind this.
is that not a thing for other people
Since these came in pretty late last night, it should be noted that ANW competitor and Supergirl stuntwoman Jessie Graff won the Emmys red carpet last night:
Leslie Jones can and should do a lot better than a smarmy douche like John Mayer. Also, she should be aware of John’s self proclaimed “David Duke Dick”.
“Trump’s interview this morning with Dr. Oz will just be a conversation about well-being, being active and positive thinking.”
I love you, Bobby. I didn't realize what I was missing until I met you.
I hope they get Tamal, the fab gay British-Asian trainee anaesthetist from last series, in to present.
Thanks for giving Chuck Johnson another 15 minutes for floor-shitting, Univision.
So many times a week does everyone accidentally go to Gawker? I’m sitting at 2-4. Slowly getting better.
I think that my career in technology journalism speaks for itself, sir.
The thing about me is that I don’t care that Anthony Weiner is in the news again for sexting. Sorry, but I fail to…
Wrong. It’s this:
Also, the two candidates I can think of for best tweet ever.
In honor of Matt’s very special disclosure, here is a very woke 17-year-old me explaining to the Teen section of the newspaper who I would support, if I could vote. January 2004, presented without comment: