
I believe you misunderstand the original theory.  

The Dutch observed the 2000-3000 in 1722. The English less than 700 40 years later. That is dramatic reduction in population. The English observed that the islanders had cleared the land of any trees. The English observed the population was reduced to eating rats and whatever birds they could catch for meat as they

Consider the sentence, “The primitive woman with red hair used the bone tool to carve the meat.”

1) China is a autocratic. They get to cap wages if they want to.

Agreed. And? The Dutch would have had a better understanding of starvation, primitive warfare, and such than modern man.

This was my takeaway. The new finding that the Polynesians cooperated to build massive monuments (duh) in no way refutes that the society collapsed. In fact, the researcher couldn’t even be bothered to offer an explanation as to what the Dutch witnessed in 1722.  

You need to learn about the modern uses of ‘smart’ toll roads that use surge charging. They have had great success in reducing traffic. And you seem to forget that the fees and regulations on taxi services get passed to the customer too. Government regulation gets passed on to the consumer. It is worse when government

Those are justifications after the fact used to justify the regulations that created the government sanctioned cartel of taxi services. Many of these regulations date back to the 70's.

I get that point. And?

Simply removing the restrictions is the correct solution. Taxi services are a government created cartel.

This completely ignores that taxi services and governments got in bed with one another to monopolize the for hire car transportation service. Those regulations exist to drive out competition. They serve literally no other purpose.

Just no. This article is biased hogwash that starts off implying that Uber is responsible for people committing suicide. This is the face of cronyism that is ruining the US economy.

If a felony is committed in the act of committing another crime, everyone involved with that crime is liable for the felony.

It is very likely that his child support payments are based on his income when he made $1.8 million entertaining Trump voters.

Also known as Qdoba everyday.

The attacker thought they were anonymous. That is the key element that gave the attacker the boldness to carry out the attack.

IMO: She did it because she was terrible person AND she did not fear consequences because she thought she was anonymous.

Did you read the article?