Aunt Pee

I dunno. I think Ginger Ale would be a great name. Also maybe Nonfat Milk, Hawaiian Punch and Coke Zero.

I think EVERYTHING Joan Rivers says is funny. She's a gem.

Your post made me cry today, Lindy. I'm the fat woman nobody ever wanted to sit next to, and as a result I haven't flown in seven years. I can't any more. I'm too big for an airplane seat and doubt that I could fit down that narrow center aisle, either. These are moot points now, though, because I can no longer walk

You're an asshole. Time to cut back on those asshole pills and take a closer look in the mirror. You can't possibly like what stares back at you.

That's pretty much exactly what it was ... a sloppy Joe with taco meat. And in my neck of the woods Taco Bell called it a "Bell Burger." Not bad but not exciting. Nice cheap food to eat in the car on the way to classes.

Stay safe. Get a hysterectomy. (I had mine 23 years ago. Glorioski!)

Just in case anybody cares, I've been expecting to marry Paul McCartney for the last 49 years. Seriously.

LOL. I know ... I crack up every time that happens. Kanye West keeps referring to his romance with Kim Kardashian as "Romeo and Juliet." Idiot doesn't realize they kill themselves.

This is actually a thing now? Hating on redheaded men? Holy shit, I've lived too long.

I think 5 years old is also the recommended minimum age for North to have ass implants so she'll look just like "mom."

I've got carpal tunnel in both hands. I take prescription pain meds for diabetic peripheral neuropathy (the source of my carpal tunnel issues) but I don't mind the numb fingers any more because I have to check my blood glucose six times a day and I can't feel it. I guess everything's a trade-off, right?

And can you imagine was he must think of her friends?

I love Gordon Ramsay. End of story.

Is there any special reason why this dumb bitch is always playing with her hair and making that God-awful FACE?

This is fucking hilarioius. I'd share all this with my husband except he cares even less about these dimwits than I do!

I don't understand the question. (Seriously. I don't.)

Actually, sex is about gratification for everybody.

I dunno, I think she's dressed and styled like a 40-year-old woman. Also, her dress is a size too small. She looks stuffed and uncomfortable.

I always knew Kim Kardashian was stupid, but this takes the fucking cake. Think she'll ever figure it out?

I think she looks skanky. Why would a company like Chanel hire a "face" who always looks like she needs a shower?