Aunt Pee

Plagiarism? It's wrong, it's theft of intellectual property, it's illegal, you can be sued (and lose) in court, you can lose your job, lose your college credentials. It IS a big fucking deal. But the worst part of the Rand Paul horseshit is, he's throwing a tantrum because he got caught. Rachel Maddow is having fun


Holy shit. I've never been so glad to be an old retired lady in my entire life.

There's a little box that says "discuss" at the lower right corner at the end of the original article post. Click on that button to write general comment.

What an asswipe. What's the media's big attraction here?

As I mentioned in my earlier comment, my husband is 6'5". He's the tallest in a family of adorable "giants," which includes two sisters (6' and 5'10") and two brothers (6'3" and 6'2"). The taller sister met her husband through a social club for tall people (this was 40 years ago, long before Internet dating made these

I'm 5'9" and dated a shorter man only once in my entire life. It felt awkward and I looked like an amazon next to him. I'm glad you enjoyed the experience, but most tall women don't. (I'm married to a man who's 6'5". Heaven in every imaginable respect.)

Why is Justin Bieber always wearing a douchebag hat? He looks like an idiot. And those eyebrows. The same expression in every photo. Holy crap.

You're right. In centuries past, overweight was a sign of prosperity. Only poor people were skinny.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Exactly.

Mitt Romney was — and IS — a sarcastic, entitled frat boy. Period.

I'm overweight.

These people make me sick. I can't even. This is like an expanded version of the Rick Santorum family.

Is it just me, or does Courtney Stodden look like she's 30 years old?

This is like changing "Silent Night" to "Hearing-Impaired Night" because you don't want deaf people to think it's a song about them.

I love Michael Kors!

Except they weren't laughing, winking, making faces, posing in lace underwear or sticking their tongues out.

This is sorta like watching your eyebrows grow.

All Cherokees are blonde with blue eyes. Didn't you know that?

My high school in the Chicago suburbs was predominantly Jewish and all of my girlfriends has their nose jobs between sophomore and junior year, typically as a Sweet Sixteen present from mom & dad. Then they'd ask their friends to rip last year's class photo out of the yearbook.