Augustus Fink-Nottle

Boring cartoon revenge (again). Made M. Reinhardt just that little bit harder to google.

I started watching it for the first time last year (and picked up Angel once it came along). I thought the first season was enjoyable enough, but in retrospect it does get significantly better as it goes on.

Basic sandwich.

GBH > Mad Max > Her > Moonlight (which I have not seen) > > > > Django

Happy belated birthday to Semi-Bored Torontonian.

Maybe they want a map.

You could make a good, non-racist Song of the South if you just got rid of the Uncle Remus framing story. The actual stories are great.

No, just that I'm not gouty.

I abandoned what I was going to write about The Good Place but here's some stray observations I would have included:

I don't eat much sweet and savory together. It makes me feel like I should be some gouty noble oppressing peasants.

I've never had it and refuse to try it. I don't think I'd like the seafood pizza the Icelandic president recommends either.

Provisional Walt Whitman pdf novel joke: "I sing the novel electric."*

*institutes Sky Law*

After Al Copeland went bankrupt in the 90s. The same group owned them and Church's.

I've been to Rayne a few times and eaten frog a few times, but I've never eaten frog in Rayne.

A local restaurant (Middendorf's) that's been open since the 1930s calls their fried catfish "the special" because, historically, rich city-dwellers didn't want to be seen or heard ordering catfish (food associated with the rural poor), but still wanted to eat it.

They aren't. Unless they get replaced by emoticons.

A company of young men at Agrigentum, in Sicily, came into a tavern; where after they had freely taken their liquor, whether it were the wine itself, or something mixed with it 'tis not yet known, but upon a sudden they began to be so troubled in their brains, and their phantasy so crazed, that they thought they were