Augustus Fink-Nottle

Aye, that's a bonny bonnie (he spells it "bonnie") song.

Yeah. If we can get enough people, I'm in.

On the other hand, time rapidly becomes meaningless in eternity, especially without persistent memory. The final episode of The Good Place happened whenever you want.

So BoJack is going to find out that he fathered a child next year, right?

Well an earlier one then.

First episode of Stranger Things, last episode of The Good Place, "Grinder vs. Grinder", the episode with Bojack and Princess Carolyn stuck in the restaurant

A few select words from the glossary at the back of my edition The Anatomy of Melancholy. Some of the definitions are from Bailey's English Dictionary. A-F for now.

Unfortunately I've got a lot of these already, but the Humble Freedom bundle looks pretty great. $30 and it all goes to charity (ACLU, Doctors Without Borders, & International Rescue Committee).

But from all I can tell it is a relatively straightforward history of Charles Martel, an 8th c. Frankish (de facto) ruler. But it looks like a pretentious, sadsack Euro-novel.

I need help judging this book by its cover.

O.N.A.N. is a quality joke. It stands for Organization of North American Nations, if I remember right. America becomes master of its domain, so to speak.

My top 5 might be:
1. Atlanta
2. Stranger Things
3. Good Place
4. UKS
5. Broad City

Pretty good.

No one even goes to discotheques anymore! I HAVE LOSER BUSTA RHYMES ALL IN CHECK!

Ask him why half the cast is missing from that header image.

Billy Preston - Savoy truffle?