Augustus Fink-Nottle

Confession: Augustus is actually my middle name and Fink-Nottle is not my last name. My real name is James Hunter.

Oh I agree about Cazorla, I'm just afraid the years of playing a full season are behind him. I think Wenger has talked of Ox becoming a central midfielder for a while now and I'm finally starting to see it.

It helps.

I watched The Third Man tonight. Among other things, more movies need hard shoes running on cobblestones.

*pushes up glasses*
It's "pleased as Punch." Please show Mr. Punch the respect he deserves.

Quick question: How do you feel about Ox Coq?

Any [Hong Kong Jackie Chan movie] you should probably specify.

I've never seen it (or any Besson actually).

Good. You passed the test. The real SBT would know that and would correct me.

But what about the cop who can't stop?

And Drunken Master 2 is probably Jackie Chan at his Buster Keaton-iest.

*sends ax gang to teach SAM the error of his ways*

I've never actually seen Speed, but I'm pretty sure Drunken Master II is the best action movie of 1994.

Oh Britta's not in this?

I haven't seen it, but I like to feel like one of the cognoscenti. Long posts hidden by gray bars like I some sort of secret agent sending a classified transmission helps do that. It makes it look like I have something substantive to say about a subject I know nothing about. If nobody mouses over this they won't

I'm mostly real, but when my avatar dresses up for holidays, I don't also dress up every time I type comments.