
How did she get away with this? Why did the bride not rip her to shreds?

Hey, I'd totally go to a ferret wedding! Children though, nah.

Are you me?! Except I never got given the money to do it myself. At one point I had no clothes that weren't my school uniform.

I wonder this reading all the I Thee Dreads. I mean I expect a certain amount of Bridezillaesque insanity from the brides, but it seems to infect everyone.

I love that story!

That's just awful. But I suppose it's better to find out what he's really like sooner rather than later.

THIS!! Who the hell .... his lawyer, or employer??


That's faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar too sensible for most people!

It's as if weddings are an entirely new concept to these people! I mean, not only have most people been to one, but weddings and receptions are a huge plot point in soooo many films and TV shows.

Good lord! You'd think that after a while, they'd all get the point.

Who is to say that Yelp isn't doing the bad reviews just to get you to pay??

Can we get 4Chan on it?

Just call him a Labradog.

I remember reading that some restaurants in London having 'No Smoking, No Poison' policies back in the 80s. Too much strong perfume or cologne is just awful. Less is more, especially in restaurants where a strong scent is going to affect the taste of your food.

There was a documentary in the UK about the people who post highly critical reviews. It was most enlightening ...

I loved it so much back in the day!

Poor Weasel. None of his little friends will ever believe he did this.
