Ereshkigal, Goddess of Death

I don’t get why they don’t let people with a cable package get these Network-owned Streaming services for free (or at least low-cost)...

I hope they don’t pull out most of the crazy stuff (give me all of Serafina Pekala and the specters and the mulefa and the underworld and Asrael’s kingdom!), but it really is a *lot* of story, and it goes to all sorts of crazy places.

The only thing holding it down was the budget. Rachel Talalay and all of the actors/musicians did a great job making it wacky and entertaining. I have to say, it’s one of the most fun and weird movie experiences I’ve ever had the pleasure to try.

We’re quite near the edge of seventeen years in this universe - with titles announced leading up to that spot - and the casting just keeps getting better!

Thanks for featuring this talk with CJA and Analee! I always enjoy seeing what they’re up to, whether it’s the abovementioned books, or the occasional article on, or their podcast together “Our Opinions Are Correct”.

Wow. That’s pretty impressive, honestly.

I mean it. The care and passion you have for your memories and how your connection to genre media has truly impacted who you are really shines through in your writing (and in the writing of each of the other writers and editors here as well).

I have no memories of the Terminator franchise.

Here are some screenshots of the really-intrusive advertisements that were making it nearly impossible for me to get through the rather interesting Handmaid’s Tale article from yesterday:

I want to start off by saying that I really appreciate all of the writers and editors here and the work that you all put in. I think that the writing you do is some of the best in the sci-fi/fantasy/genre culture journalism scene (I can only think of as a publication that outputs at least as interesting and

Thank you for sharing this!

I initially started reading IO9 for its individuality, its unique voice, and its focus on futurism, history, social issues, cultural symbolism, artistic voice, etc. over clickbait and monetary goals.

This site is getting nearly impossible to read on mobile, with un-closable video pop-ups, advertisements every two paragraphs, multiple “related article” embeds in each article, and advertisements that obscure some of the actual writing of the article.

I was hoping for On A Sunbeam to do the dethroning, but to be honest every single one of those nominees are incredible.

Would I be able to pitch a feature that I would be interested in Gizmodo Special Projects Desk to do the research work on?

I'm still hoping for a Sif-Valkyrie road trip film, where they go to find the last remaining Asgardian(s), and end up with Angela, Queen of Hel (and hopefully Sera, too).

I’m still hoping for a Sif-Valkyrie road trip film, where they go to find the last remaining Asgardian(s), and end up with Angela, Queen of Hel (and hopefully Sera, too).

I’m going to re-post this response I made to last year’s Chuck Wendig article, as I believe it’s still relevent and still very needed for this community:

I’m going to re-post this from last year’s Chuck Wendig article, as I believe it’s still relevent and still very needed for this community:

It truly is.