
Is it still a resolution if you already don’t drink?

No thanks, I can get a Ford Fusion for way less elsewhere 

It also misses the point that reliability impacts your ability to make money. Sure, that 15 year old Chevy is cheap to fix, but if it makes you late for work a few times a year, toss in lost wages, missed raises, and higher chances of being cut loose when the economy decides the business cycle is entering a “uh

Illegal dirt bikes are blatantly obvious, given their lack of lights or license plates... not sure why they would give NYPD reason to hate on responsible motorcyclists...

It’s in the city’s best interest to encourage motorcycling, because every moto on the street is one less car and takes up 1/4 or less of the space of a car in traffic and when parked.

1. calm the f down

There’s also legal street parking about a block and a half from our Manhattan Jalopnik headquarters, so that’s simple enough.

Bring back 85 series sidewalls

The alcohol is not prolonging anybody’s lives.

Super Glue, Duct tape and a roll of paper towels are more useful than a dedicated first aid kit.

This is about where I was at, at 180. Normal to you, maybe. Not to me or my girlfriend who had to look at my skeletal figure.

34yo, 6'2" (74") male here, with a barrel chest of 50" circumference. Have spent most of my adult life around 250 lbs.

Swarm should have registered their corporation out of some country that does not recognize the Outer Space Treaty

The entourage doesn’t need Cullinan luxury. They can make due with a basic new Land Cruiser.

In short, watches are mechanical jewelry.

Yeah. This is the road the kid was speeding on:

Eh, I was doing 95mph on my way into work today just keeping up with traffic. *shrug*

Walmart’s in-house Supertech brand is still cheaper. $12.77 for 5 quarts of conventional oil.

I’m thinking the coachbuilt, commemorative edition is an excuse to float the idea to the public in a very small number that doesn’t require huge tooling changes at their production factory, and see how it’s perceived/valued. If it’s a big hit and everybody loves them, they’ll retool to produce all future continentals

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The Urus in this comparison was sandbagging. In the real world it goes toe to toe with the Model X in the 1/4 mile, and will eventually pull away when the X reaches its speed limiter.