
Remember to just dismiss their comments.

read the part about it not having a chance of winning, this guy just scored easy (and undeserved) points for himself...remember he is part of the problem

They’ve always known. They just hope you don’t, which is why they operated a cartel to control supply and fix prices, then created marketing campaigns to stimulate demand.

I'm no pun peasant.  I've worked hard to get this pruriant.

I'll treat that as a presant.  Thank you.

Not to be pedantic, but you shouldn't step on ants when fleaing Baba Yaga.

You know, women’s vaginal canals come in different sizes too. If your vaginal canal is short, then a bigger dick can feel unpleasant. Yeah some women are size queens, but most of us really don’t care. It’s about how you use it. 

I assume you were with a woman who preferred a large one and extrapolated it to the entire population. Yes they do exist, I assume there are plenty where penis size is actually a compatibility issue. But there are plenty who do not. In fact there are plenty who decidedly do not want a big one. Hell, I am quite average

Also, thank people for compliments!  Everyone hates - “Oh you look great today!” “No I’m so fat and ugly”.  False modesty is dumb, just say thank you!

I AM afraid of Baba Yaga

I ant afraid of no ghost!


They’ve already torn out our hearts. Kicking us in the balls as we die would be most appallingly bad form.

Do I sense a little antipathy in you?

I was going to eat watermelon and watch the pilot for Nu Battlestar Galactica in 1080P tonight, since I haven’t done that (I was a cheapskate and bought the series on DVDs a buncha years ago now), and found out that it’s no longer available, or at least not in Europe.

I thought the first post-credits scene was a killer, but the second one was a little Ant-iclimactic.

As well, Scott’s still the disposable one. If Scott gets trapped in the Quantum Realm? I think Hank’s okay with that loss. Hope or Janet though? He’d be absolutely devastated to have lost his loved ones twice to that place.

Eh, disagreed, I wouldn’t have liked that at all. The point is, it’s Scott’s turn to step up without his incredible support crew and Hope, he needs to become his own competent hero without help. That aside, Scott already went into the QR, Hope had zero experience there, Scott was the best choice for another outing

dude, if they’d shown Cassie fading away in Lang’s arms...  “daddy, I don’t feel so good...”

Nope. I was deeply invested in Janet getting out of the Quantum Realm.