“We will be over here minding our business, enjoying our sex lives, and not worrying about what you are doing in yours.”
“We will be over here minding our business, enjoying our sex lives, and not worrying about what you are doing in yours.”
Its not that it bother’s us, it’s just that I’d wager that most of us don’t think you’re telling the truth. As Jay-Z said “we don’t believe you, you need more people.”
This is an example of the left cannibalizing itself. The irony in generalizing everyone as a bigot for celebrating their country’s independence day is hilarious. But hey, stereotyping and pre-decided biases aren’t bad or anything.
Why did your family immigrate? I am one of the Root’s disparaged “wypipo”, and my family came to this country as slaves. I’d say that since your family came voluntarily that there MUST be some good reason. Maybe you could be thankful for whatever reason that was if not just generally thankful. Remember. You can’t make…