Ignorence is bliss buddy,
Ignorence is bliss buddy,
I’ll just go out on a limb and say you are a bad listener with a classic deflection tactic of not understanding the subject matter being discussed and in turn getting angry because you have yet to refute ANYTHING i have said using constructive dialog besides the “I don’t agree with you because of my feelings”.
No no.. not with myself, just with you. Please don’t push your original sin theories either. One blanket statement does not preclude another.
ESPN has to try and save it’s racist face.. Literally turning into a rubber stamp fall in line type of deal...
I re-read her tweets..how the F*** does stating “Just so we’re clear: I’m not advocating a NFL boycott” “But an unfair burden has been pit on players in Miami w/anthem directives”...
No I made a very good point stating that theroot does an excellent job of fueling the fires of division. Secondly you having a black significant other and me having African American nieces and their extended family makes me “less aware of the struggle” lol hypocrisy much? Do you need a ladder to come down that soap…
Dear BlackSnake 1,
Lol my Garbage was several paragraphs long where I went into Great detail explaining as to why.
Honest question, how is his brought more so to the light and accountability wise then the domestic violence, drug abuse and DUI issues the the NFL has.
I appreciate the candor in your response and taking be time to explain as well.
Sure Ill reply, you actually put effort into it and I appreciate it.
Feel free to refute my points at least. Hard to understand what the fuck YOU are replying back with. Since you didn’t really add besides the wtf, I guess my original point stands.
I see someone gets anxiety from hearing loud noises.
Just wanted to fix your stupid fear mongering regarding automatic weapons since you didn’t even bother to fact check your own article. So no you cant walk in and walk out with a “Machinegun” you are probably the same idiot who says Assault rifles fire 10,000 rounds per minute....
<Literally, no one is blaming white individual white people for every problem that occurs in the black community.>
Hey there thanks for lumping me with the rest of the racist assholes, on that note shall I lump people of color as lazy, crime ridden and welfare loving citizens?
Getting the stats from the ones your race baiting author provided.. still “frothing” at the mouth at your own stupidity. Please do go on and discredit the claims laid out by the “racist” grayes.
A couple of take away’s from your fear mongering article...
Or maybe we are pointing out the fact Michael is presenting us with facts that are selectively picked without taking into account the total number and ratio of crimes committed. The facts themselves outted him, but I guess people are “racist” when they point to the statistics that you yourselves throw into the article…
How is being factually accurate make him an asshole?