
TBF, Sym has a very short effective range. She has a longer range in her Energy Ball, but since it’s so slow, it’s not hard to dodge with most heroes.

She’s also not that strong without her shield boosts, and can be easily taken care of if she’s on you. Even with all the jump dodging moves I have to pull off to do it.


Everyone’s talking about how long spring took to come for them, and down in the High Desert of CA I’ve been in 80's/90's for the last two weeks. :)

Funny thing is that is a long time for spring to come. Usually I start seeing flowers bloom in February, not April!

Thanks for reminding me of the time we reached the skull in Sand Trap by loading so many objects in Forge that it bugged out the Guardians and it no longer shot lasers at us on the edge of the map. Mines forever.

I do. It shows us places that were once planned, things that never got finished. OTOH, I’ve been in this glitching thing longer than some people on the site have been alive.

Pretty much this. I became obsessed with glitching with Ocarina of Time (seam walking, bottle adventure, beta quest and crooked cart) and Pokemon (MissingNo, naturally. To a looser extent, using a Gameshark to walk out of bounds and seeing duplicate areas, or triggering unused and half broken events like genuinely


Yeah, totally not a fan. I can’t find a job to save my life, but don’t have enough money to move. I live in a town where you need to know someone to get a job, and I know several people, but this has gotten me nowhere. Even the local comic shop, of which their main employee recommended me, wouldn’t take me.

I spent

Persona 3 had a little more variety, in that regard. Not much, but Shinji, along with various NPCs, had different body proportions.

I use mine a little more often, but not much, since I stick to Epic’s classic games, I.E. Unreal, UT2k4, Tyrian and Jill.

I still got a couple notifications saying my account was locked for excessive login attempts.

I just enabled two-factor authentication, amongst a few other things. It’s annoying, but livable.


It’s sort of why I’ve gone on to Destructoid. Sure, they aren’t perfect in their own selves, but if I’m looking for gaming news, I feel like it’s the better option. I tend to find out actual news that’s relevant to me about a week before Kotaku posts it, with none of the Twitch/YT drama.

Ah, that’s cool. Apologies for the misunderstanding, usually when it’s said like that, it’s an insult. I don’t care either way, you do you. :)

Just saying, best of luck to you. I have no functioning Genesis hardware ATM (sadly), but if you release the game digitally, I’d be all for it.

I mean... I have a dream of creating a game for the Master System. Sure, that’s dead in the water, but that doesn’t make me a showoff. That’d make me someone with an undying love of a very specific system. Same for him.

I might not like Pier Solar, but I appreciate the effort they put into making a game for their

Same. I love the games to bits, though, and I’ll keep playing them until they stop printing them, which is never.


IIRC, there was a Romance of the Three Kingdoms (same series, different aspect) related game based off of the American Revolution.

Good luck getting Nimoy or Christopher Lee to reprise their roles, though.

I think I came out with more understanding of how the Fortune Street-lite minigame of BBS works more than the actual plot. But I love it.

If it ain’t for the good gameplay, it’s for Shimomura’s amazing soundtrack and cameos. I am a sap. :)

It’s not as pop as the first two theme songs were, it honestly sounds like she’s trying for a more mature theme, maybe a bit RnB ballad based. I really like the slightly syncopated piano playing.

I have to admit it, while it isn’t necessarily my style, especially compared to the first two games, I appreciate it from

It’s sort of like, I noticed a couple of animation hiccups, but overall, even in it’s lowest bits, YOI was a very pretty thing to look at. The colors were done well throughout, and the figure skating routines, even at their worst, were fun to watch.

It’s like, I know it’s bad, but it’s executed so damn well I enjoyed