
It's a very impressive shitshow indeed

Imagine widescreen video on that square screen! Just awful!

I would look like a damn fool in college if I drove that around.

Carmax sucks lol

It's wasn't dot-less.

I work for a H-D dealership in the midwest, and we actually have a mix of both positive and negative feedback from customers and co-workers. It's definitely an age separation thing. Younger blood likes electric, old blood likes the classic vibes, feels and sounds from a true H-D engine.

I have officially felt my male parts turn into female parts. *gulp*

Google Fiber and it's startup market as well as it's governmental affiliation with the Federal Reserve and, among other things, it's the sole city of Sprint/Nextel Cellular and has massive operations of AT&T, not to mention Garmin, Bushnell and Cerner Medical.

Not ugly as in? What is a quality looking phone to you?

The narrator's voice leaves me with a few thoughts:

Think of a Faraday Cage

Definitely has some features not on the Android ecosystem....

In 20 years there MAY be SOME new jobs, but with the low maintenance of solar cells, not many people will be required to operate them. China is a long term planner, but the United States IS NOT, the US will have lots of trouble with this.

Would you shut up? At least get your grammar correct when addressing a company. (IE: Apple, not apple)

" It's about ducking time."

"we are leading by example." Oh really now? This is going to blow everyones wallets into the dirt. Consumers will have to pay for the costs of shutting down coal plants and the immensely huge costs of investing in solar power and any other source of cleaner alternatives.

I literally just peed myself.

*giggles* "An apple turnover is what it looks like" *sobs*

Being American, I wouldn't know the wide variations of pronunciations that exist in Europe. I wonder if they made this guy fake being British to make it funny?

I like how they use the stereotype of Mexaican lady making tortillas and they have a British guy doing the voiceover.