
Add this to the reasons i will resist getting one of these smart home assistants.

Btw Luke dies.

So basically she wasn’t an animal. People that wear anything more than socks or slippers indoors are monsters in my opinion.

I find all that style of decorating to be a bit overwhelming. My home is a bit simpler in style and furnishing. I don’t think I could live in that much stuff.

An ex of mine is probably looking at these very images and drooling. If I remember her color taste as well as interior design preferences this is her near ideal style for her home.

I know someone who bragged that they drove in such a manner. Never got a ride from them again.

That Gremlin looks so awesome. Admittedly, i have always had a soft spot for this little car.

Oh, fuck off with this bullshit. It was a satire, you moron. It isn’t something that no one makes anymore.

Yeah I have to agree. It was better than Princess Leia in Rogue one but it still didn’t feel quite natural. It is remarkable how far CGI has come.

If you didn’t bother to go see it in the theater, spoilers are your own problem. I don’t feel like they should have to protect you for weeks on end because you couldn’t be bothered to go spend 12 bucks at the theater.

I would say that the difference in that situation is that is quite often a noticeable difference in the story and finale when comparing movies to books that they are based on. Admittedly some movies are decently accurate to the books such as Harry Potter but then many others are barely anything like the books are

If you aren’t seeing a movie in the theater, then you are responsible for avoiding spoilers on your own. I’m pretty certain you can already buy this on the DVD and Blu-ray. If you had really cared about seeing it you would have already done so.

Even though I do not like beef jerky I certainly support your vastly Superior button option.

This is a show that takes advantage of people who have mental health issues. It isn’t about healing it is about making a big profit. Dr. Phil a fraud anyways.

Intestinal distress is better than the live action Grinch with Jim Carrey.

Small dogs are easier to catch and eat than raccoons. Really, which would you rather try to take down: a scrawny dog or a healthy raccoon?

Sounds like that gut should have been on fetlife.

I would ask dates about bad messages from creeps. I could not believe some of the stories that i would hear.

Pretty much the logical assumption.

The Last Jedi is rather dividing. I would not call it a bad film, but they didn’t accomplish a lot for a 150 minutes of screen time.