
I’m honestly annoyed even by those “I ate your Halloween candy...JUST KIDDING!” videos. I mean, why would you think it’s funny to mess with your child’s trust in their parents?

We probably forgot...for reasons....

Why is Paul Bettany wearing glasses in that picture? Vision problems?

My initial reaction to seeing the poster was I thought it was a sequel... and then I read the synopsis on the plot and thought, “Wait, I could have swore I watched this several years ago.” Then I thought, “Did I dream it?” ... after a few minutes of vigorous searching I found the Book of Life imdb page and was

#wigtalk is over, welcome to #beardtalk

“Homeless guy walks up to my car, yells at me and says insulting things.”

“ she didn’t know she hit him”. Oh, okay, so your best defense is a reckless disregard for use of a fucking firearm? Like, I deal with a lot of homeless folks. Thanks to our broken mental health system, a lack of social services, and rampant drug abuse, it is totally possible for a homeless guy to, for want of a

While I applaud the idea I’m jut picturing a different fight in the morning:

1) “The boy’s uncle, Lyrik Martin, who also posted photos of his injuries on social media, wrote in a post that he wasn’t sure the attack was racially motivated”

For those seeking a less graphic but thorough retelling of the events:

If you didn’t love Sarah in the series Avonlea then may I suggest a heart transplant to replace the cold, dark one you have inside of you right now.

Bruce, please don’t hulk out while wearing this shirt. It’s too awesome to ruin.

Or shift that over to Darcy.

This makes total sense since DiCaprio is basically slowly morphing into Nicholson.

I feel like, if there was a real Joker, he’d be the one pushing for this movie to happen... just so he could blow up the movie studio in the middle of filming.

Maybe Batman could be played by the bear from The Revenant.

Congratulations to Jared Leto for being so awful at his job they’ve rebooted an entire sub universe just to recast the Joker.

I see a little silhouetto of a bat...

“Certainly, structural sexism exists in ______, but you’re overstating it”