Arthur Edens and His Bread

I say, Monty, have you not seen Blazing Saddles or Young Frankenstein or The Sting?

I looooove The China Syndrome. It finds the perfect balance between advocacy and entertainment. Jack Lemmon and Jane Fonda have seldom been better.

I saw All Is Lost on Friday, and since then have been trying to think of another actor who could have played that part as well as Redford.

"HEH HEH, get 'im, Ma!"

Database's somewhat-bizarre delivery of that line slays me.

He's such a bitch!

I think it is!

Definitely, Pairesta. The final plane crash is rightfully lauded - it remains one of the most moving, stunning, horrifying things I've ever seen on film - but the very beginning with those buzzing strings and the hints of what just happened is terrifying as well.

"But only if those grapefruits are . . . freshly squeezed."

Lurky, I dream about those sandwiches.

If that's the case, then I withdraw my objection with apologies!

I'm about to bake some pumpkin-chocolate chip cookies! I'm nervous, since I haven't cooked anything in many months, but I'm ready to go. I have Twin Peaks on in the background, inspired as I am by this morning's TV Roundtable, and the fact that the characters on the show speak so highly of baked goods.

Teehee, sorry SatInt, but that description did make me laugh.

Come on down to San Diego, our warmth will cure what ails ya!

I'm in training too - doing a 5-mile+5K Turkey Trot next month, and a half-marathon at the end of December. I'm quite excited! And nervous. And sore. And tired.

Tity Boi, this is so damn sweet I can barely stand it.


Gosh, Major Briggs. I can't remember if his little speech about his vision (as distinguished from a dream, which is mere sorting and cataloging of the day's events by the subconscious) came from Season 1 or Season 2, but I'll share it anyway just because Don Davis delivers it so perfectly:….

"There was a fish in the percolator!"
