Arthur Edens and His Bread

Scrawler, I assume that "esq" isn't a typo, but a clever lawyer pun!

I liked Take This Waltz! What's the nature of your objection?

It also has a lovely score by Thomas Newman!

Somewhere at this moment, an NSA analyst is thinking, God, I wish I had a tamandua.

Do tell, Newton - what would you name your bats?

Clumsy as its run may have been, Boyd, there's no denying that the little guy was pretty cute!

I once saw a groundhog run across the road in Maine. That puffy sumbitch was one of the ungainliest things I ever saw.

I'll take this moment to mention that I also want a pangolin.


I wouldn't mind having like an emu or a cassowary. I know they're not cuddly, but I think it'd be hilarious to have a giant bird stalking around my backyard.

Oh my goodness, K. Thrace, I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything when I saw that, as a spit-take would have been inevitable.

Get thee to Morro Bay, California, Scrawler! You're all but guaranteed to see 'em!

I took a little trip to the Central Coast of California last week and got to see a bunch of sea otters! (Excuse me, a raft of sea otters.) There was a little baby that got menaced by a nasty sea gull, poor fella.

I once read that the Russians domesticated foxes. Xорошо!

So supremely awkward! And yet, of course that's how it went down in real life.

I haven't been able to watch this season past the first couple of episodes (my HBOGo access dried up!), but after seeing Stephen Root on the homepage, I knew I had to stop in. Hello, fellow Boardwalk Empire enthusiasts! I've sure been missing these comments!

I hope someone got fired for that bl—

Ah, The Social Network - definitely one of my all-time favorites as well, and you're right, it's perfect autumn viewing!

Perhaps after the movie, Alien Jesus and his antediluvian partner conned some mean bastard out of a fortune!

You, sir, not only have a very lucky daughter, but one with impeccable taste as well!