Arthur Edens and His Bread

Definitely. And I was not expecting such a powerful ending, and one that I view as pretty necessary, since I imagine a lot of people saw the film expecting a chest-thumping depiction of American badassery. In the hands of lesser filmmakers, that may have been the case, but in that final scene, Greengrass and Hanks

Not I! Thanks, NFET!

I was going to like John Adams no matter what, but even I was really impressed by the strength of the ensemble. David Morse is the definitive George Washington in my mind, and though it took me a while to warm up to his performance, Stephen Dillane's Thomas Jefferson is note-perfect as well.

I’m just finishing Safety Not Guaranteed right now; it’s been staring at me as a Netflix recommendation for months, so I figured I’d give it a look-see. I like it quite a bit! (ETA: Though the ending didn't really work for me. A bit too literal, I dunno.)

I was so excited to see him in person in The Informant!. It was like . . . seeing a dog walking on its hind legs!

Not only do I like The Darjeeling Limited, I like it more than both The Life Aquatic and The Royal Tenenbaums!

Ooooh, the 80s Drama Primer was one of my favorite things this site's ever done! If the 90s edition is ever resurrected, I can promise at least one enthusiastic reader!

I feel so deeply honored to have received this message. Thank you, Dr. Rumak.

Good point!

I've long wanted to read Shelby Foote's series, and would welcome an (UNABRIDGED) audiobook, but frankly, I don't think there's anyone who could do it justice other than Foote himself. His honey-sweet drawl is irreplaceable.

Oooooooooo, I'd love to see that - better keep a sharp eye out!

I for one yell this out whenever they show him on TV.

It has Roy Scheider, John Lithgow, and Bob Balaban! What's not to like?

It's Burl! How bad can nuDisqus be if good old Burl is still here?

Frosting is on cakes, huh?

Let's just talk about how great The Right Stuff is! I'll go first: it's great! Fantastically great. I have my upcoming Blu-ray pre-ordered and ready to go.

I give Frank Oz & Co. some credit for taking a classic horror story and turning it into a comedy. But that credit does not salvage it at all - what a mess of a movie!

I actually think he's talking to himself.