Arthur Edens and His Bread

To think that they're only a year-and-a-half away from learning the origins of Moe's dish rag!

The "like" I have Saturday Night Palsy was going to be my last, but then I "liked" yours too. I was glad to do it.

TRY THIS BREAD, GUY INCOGNITO! Best bread I ever had!

This man was great, pure and simple. Brought an indelible spark to any film he was in!

Nay, he was a novice monk in the film, chaste and innocent! Enjoy!

You're like the starving peasant girl from The Name of the Rose!

Myeah, that was the real Trial of the Century, I tells ya! BABY EAGLE SNATCHED FROM TEST! RICKETY LADDER FOUND AT THE SCENE! RANSOM NOTE FROM LINDBERGH KIDNAPPERS! It was a great time to be in the banner headline business!

Good golly, Mr. Greene, you have outdone yourself!

@avclub-14e4cee178d88fb9aa346dbcc11f2873:disqus and @avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus deserve a reward. Money, spice, republic credits, anything you two want!

Whenever I see the words "Katzenjammer Kids," I'm reminded of Jimmy Stewart in The F.B.I. Story, because at one point, when told by his wife to wrap a present in newspaper, he protests, "You want me to wrap it in the Katzenjammer Kids?!"

"How is this Russian beating me???"

"Hello, Jeffrey."

Does Romney dream of electric sheep?

I do not have a Significant Other at the moment, but when I do, I sure hope she and I can reminiscence as happily and sweetly as you and Lady Pairesta!


I initially read that as "I'M BUYING A HORSE." While I'm disappointed that you won't have a new equine friend, I'm very glad indeed that you'll have a house instead!

Will Ferrell is in Dick, and that's compulsively watchable!

If you like oral histories (yeah yeah, make your jokes), I'd recommend Studs Terkel's The Good War. I haven't actually read it myself, but it won a Pulitzer, and Studs Terkel is just generally awesome.

I'll field this question, Lieutenant:

Lurky, how come you merged your accounts like I foolishly did, but still have a clickable name? I feel like I'm in purgatory here!