Arthur Edens and His Bread

Exhibit A: The Old Couple who get their car stolen.

@avclub-b6ad9ed5179f5855fa5b91a7f2b1ee80:disqus: Mac and Me is staggering. It is so wrong-headed and unintentionally-horrifying that it must be seen to be believed.

That's good one! Cape Fear, Zodiac, and even The Informant! come to mind.

Gosh, this was not an easy task for me, but I managed to make a list (in ascending order). I should mention that I consider almost all of his films to be at least very good, even if they're relatively low on this list. And I'd say pretty much everything in the top two-thirds is fantastic. What can I say, I love the

Also, I have to give credit to the script by Hal Barwood and Matthew Robbins. As Kyle mentions, the screenwriters do an admirable job of balancing sympathies and avoiding making antagonists out of the law enforcement officials. At the same time, the film makes us empathize with the Poplins while never really trying to

I think this is a really good film and a pretty amazing theatrical debut for Spielberg. The use of local actors and location shooting - which would later be used to such masterful effect in Jaws - give the movie a lot of authenticity and humor. And John Williams's score is great too.

"I'm gonna let St. Patrick and St. Michael do my talking for me!"
"You'll have to get through Tip O'Neill and Bobby Sands first!"
"You call those fist names?! Say hello to Bono and Sandra Day O'Connor!"

Seriously, that's one of the funniest things I've ever read. I'd love to think that the Murray Brothers spend all day loafing around together watching TV.

Ha! I had no idea Hickey ever played Spencer's father, but that's perfect.

Sy Liebergot! That's awesome, bfred.

I really wish Clint Howard had actually been credited as "Coarse Morgue Attendant."

No, but that sounds delightfully creepy!

*guitar riff*

Great news about All the Way! I hear the playwright is planning on tightening it up a bit, which is good news. There was a lot of material about George Wallace, for instance, that just sort of fell flat, especially for anyone who has seen John Frankenheimer's wonderful miniseries on the subject!

He sounds so jolly! No regrets, no complaints, just good memories.

I think a strong argument could be made that The Insider is the most underrated film of all time. It's just insanely good, and Christopher Plummer is awesome.

Having finished the book last week, I watched Jean-Jacques Annaud's film version of The Name of the Rose this weekend. I thought it was a pretty darn good adaptation. Sean Connery was a wonderful William, and whoever had the idea of casting William Hickey as Ubertino deserves a medal.

It featured an ABC of the overlords of the genre!

GAHHHH, I forgot about the review until just now! But for those curious, this episode contains what might be my favorite exchange of the whole series:

I bought a new smart Blu-ray player this weekend and wanted to test the YouTube app. The clip of Mr. Burns saying this line is what I chose for the inaugural video.