Arthur Edens and His Bread

I would say Jaws, as it's basically my favorite movie period, but then again I don't really consider if a blockbuster, both because of the film itself and the reputation that I think it ought to have (if I hear one more person claim that it ruined cinema by ushering in the age of mindless summer entertainment, I'll

I've always said that if you're not pondering punctuation to the point of weirdness, then you're just not doing it right.

In your honor, Yuri Petrovitch:

"Hooray, I'm a teenage heartthrob again!"

Exactly! This means that, Brendan Gleeson-wise, we all have this and the new John Michael McDonagh film to eagerly await.

I'll third the Kevin Dunn love. One of the most reliable character actors out there.

I would love for Ed O'Neill to make an appearance on this new show, as I think he pretty much stole John from Cincinnati. Well, him and Dayton Callie.

Me neither - that show was fantastically good. And I'm still struck by how likable - heck, lovable! - all those grimy, scummy characters were. And all of the relationships were so thoughtful and well-developed. I could've watched Dustin Hoffman and Dennis Farina have their late-night conversations for hours and hours.

Been there, done that - let us not forget nude Churchill from HBO's Into the Storm!

Holy heck, I'm excited as all get-up for this. The only thing I like more than a David Milch series is Brendan Gleeson!

That's one of the many things that L.A. Confidential did so well - it was a noir in broad daylight with natural lighting!

Actually, since I foolishly merged my Disqus accounts and lost my clickability, I've had no login troubles at all! Disqus giveth and Disqus taketh away. Mostly taketh away. And acteth in a confoundingeth manner.

I see your Providence and raise you a Kansas City.

City Slickers is a sure-fire cure for the blues!

"Two weeks . . . one hour . . . thirty seconds and here we— whooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaa!!!!"

I really liked the fact that the handwriting wasn't obviously identical, just as Hank couldn't obviously make out the figures in the security video. He really had to work to prove the connection, making for a most invigorating montage!

I'm really hoping that the pie-eating contest foreshadows a pie-eating contest!

Ok, here's my crazy little theory - do we know for sure that it was Hank who put the bug on Walt's car? Walt obviously thought so, but maybe Hank didn't but just seized the opportunity of Walt's suspicion to confront him and give him a mighty punch.

Ah, yeah, good catches on Walt's new Gus behaviors! I wonder if we'll see him cook something other than meth next week - Chilean fish stew, perhaps?

I'd also love to see him play some dramatic parts. It's random, but I thought it would have been really awesome if he had played the National Security Advisor in Zero Dark Thirty.