Arthur Edens and His Bread

Seeing those oranges drop was hugely ominous, because you know what a pain it is to collect oranges once they've gone rolling down the street.

I feel warm and comfortable, because the weather out here is perfect! It's some consolation, I suppose, for being denied the show for three extra hours.

Jesse's gonna spend the rest of his money to buy a lifetime's supply of cherry-flavored Pez. No question about it.

"I can't believe this Russian is beating me!"

*uses spray cans as jetpack, succeeds only in making shoes green*


They exchanged fashion tips during the gun sale.

Let's talk significance! I think the beige - I'd call it white - is meant to be their attempt at some sort of spiritual cleanliness. Of course, it's merely a facade - to borrow from Saul, they're all short of sainthood.


"Hello, Walter."

Gahhh, the Curse of the West Coast Delay! Seven pages of comments, and it only just ended here! Good thing I got a late curfew, because bowling was canceled.

I want to give this accurate transcription all the likes!

"Y-you had arthritis?"

"Lisa the Iconoclast" is definitely a favorite of mine. Not only do we get Donald Sutherland's indelible performance, but I find the ending to be a particularly moving look at the tension between fact and myth. Lisa's decision is very thought-provoking.

Well folks, when you're right 52% of the time, you're wrong 48% of the time.

Man's never read a Simpsons writeup in his life!

"Well sir, it has been an uneventful week in Badger Falls, where the women are robust, the men are pink-cheeked, and the children . . . are pink-cheeked and robust."

Add me to this list! We'll call ourselves The Mauve Avengers!


Ahahaha, looks like I'm in good company.