Arthur Edens and His Bread

The reference to the RAND Corporation is what really elevates that sequence. I love when the show makes such references, like the deleted scene from "Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy" in which Crackpot Stacy holds a sign that says "Ask Me About The Trilateral Commission."

I wanted to watch this just for David Costabile, as he's become one of my favorite character actors. I suppose I'll still give it a shot!

Sam Waterston was a great Abraham!

They had camera equipment in the Mesozoic Era?

*Orson Welles gets pied in the face by a Keystone Kop*

*Jeff Daniels reads this, cries*

They'll have to rename this one Lee Daniels' Wings.

I got the motive which is money and the body which is tattooed!

Oh, Todd, you have me delirious with the prospect of a Nixonland series. I've also been thinking that Robert Caro's LBJ books might make for a good series, one volume per season, maybe with a different cast each season to account for the passage of time. There's enough intrigue and humor in those pages for a dozen


This just gave me a headache.

This might be the most god-awful trailer I've ever seen. Murray AND Goodman are barely in it! And it needs 300% more Balaban-brand deadpanning.

"Ok, here's how it goes: I'm the leader, Matt is my loyal sidekick, John's the tough guy, Bill's the smart guy, and Bob's the quiet nebbishy guy who ends up going crazy. And now, the time has come to cross this line into mystery and danger - to step out of childhood and become Monuments Men."

List your favorites, Franko!

Ever since I first watched The West Wing at the tender age of 11, the work of Aaron Sorkin has been very important to me, pop-culturally and personally. My faith has been shaken recently by The Newsroom (though I must also mention that his film work is as strong as ever - The Social Network and Moneyball are my

Jeopardyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. It's the best! Next online test date, go in there and kill it!

I hope that philanthropist was Charlie Kelly. Did he also enjoy milk steak and magnets?
