Arthur Edens and His Bread

Yeah, me too - I love stories about sailing, and gosh, when was the last time we got to see Robert Redford give an amazing performance? Very excited indeed!

Have faith, Other Guy! I believe I'm in the mood to be astonished.

TRACY LETTS! Speaking of the Scribe from Oklahoma, we also have August: Osage County to eagerly await. (Other Guy, weren't you the one with whom I rhapsodized about Sam Shepard and his general awesomeness?)

This is hardly related, but your comment reminds me of how peeved I get when characters are given food but don't eat it. Like Marion Crane in Psycho. "DAMMIT, Norman made you a nice sandwich, would you PLEASE EAT IT!!!" I shout at the television.

It frustrated me that they took the storyline from the classic film My Man Godfrey and then changed everything about it including the gender of the main character and every detail of the plot.

Nooo, I can't believe it's almost over!! I'll be weeping like Leo McGarry at the end of "Bartlet for America."

[Arthur Edens and His Bread's wagon tips over; 4,585 lbs. of bacon and 1 banjo lost]

"I told you I didn't do it."

"I think we picked ourselves a queer bird, angel."

As long as Hoffman does some good bellowing, I'll tune in!


I'm on the fourth volume of Robert Caro's Lyndon Johnson series, The Passage of Power, which I'm absolutely loving because I've always been a big Kennedy buff, and it's chock-full of good material.

Yessss, agreed!

I don't often use emoticons, but, :')

Yeah, I just finished off the season, and I think you're right - for a number of the inmates, actually seeing the crime was very powerful. I suppose then that the effectiveness comes from the use of both methods!


Me too, Pairesta - it's up there with "You are Lisa Simpson, "Do It For Her," and the ending of "Mother Simpson" in the Simpsons Patented Waterworks Generator!

For Marge Moments, nothing beats "The City of New York Vs. Homer Simpson":

I'm off to see Blackfish, the cetologic analogue of that film.

Oh wow, I had no idea that Simon wrote that episode, but it makes complete sense. The final beer slide - and the way the audience reacts to it - is one of the greatest things I've ever seen on a television show.