Christine Q.

:x you misspelled digital

The spike in Zelda/sheik amiibo prices coinciding with the launch of botw says otherwise.

It’s because they’re double dipping with clicks and YouTube views. Bastards.

Sugar and crewniverse confirmed that there are non fusion varients of previously seen fusions (ie, there’s a regular Garnet out there)

Plot Armor.

yet another opportunity to wiggle my bare ass in public.

so... would i have to wear pants?

and it’s a shame on you situation, because you people have continually fallen for broken promise after broken promise.

I’m waiting for when it drops to 100 bucks

I’m waiting for when it drops to 100 bucks

Great news for the six people still playing.

Even better, a comically undersized one. like, here you go, fucker.

they’re improving the fixes and fixing the improvements. the upgrades are being upgraded

I think participation trophies kinda killed the idea.

never understood the draw of trophies in addition to like prizes (cash, stuff). sure, you could argue prestige but.... dunno how i’d feel about having a gaudy golden cup collecting dust in my house.

is there money in this or something?

So besides the dead-battery triggered explosive crashes, random civilian beheadings, and cops turning too fast in these things and falling into oncoming traffic, what’s the worst that could happen?

But it comes with a free poster and an overinflated sense of self esteem!

So.... A plot hole

said everyone who bought an nes classic from a scalper.

No, we can’t let it go, because that’s just passively accepting it. They do this now it’s just gonna get worse and worse