Christine Q.

It quickly turned from cute nod from the crew, to internet meme, to reason for rioting. I wish McDonald’s never went with this stupid promotion which at best is an unofficial tie-in between a niche TV show and a multinational corporation where food goes to die. Amazing how Rick can tell you not to think for yourself,

I really liked it. It had overtones of Saiyan saga, where Goku was completely outclassed, but you know he’s gonna pull it out.

Who didn’t see this coming? Also, some damned fools are selling the sauce on ebay.

All mcdonald’s food is fucking gross.

Yeah but it’s not like he invented that. LRAD tech’s been around since the mid 90's

I demand a trophy for not participating as well. it was really hard being around when people were doing things, and i deserve recognition too.

We don’t talk about hulk hogan here. Gawker may be dead, but their gestapo isn’t.

This guy wins

right...? what the hell....

Everyone say goodbye to Catwoman

Considering VR hasn’t warranted the 400+ purchase price for a headset for the year and a half it’s been out, I’d imagine that we’re never gonna get a reason to.

I’m an adult who doesn’t eat mcdonalds. I like rick and morty, but a joke’s a joke. I’m not gonna go out of my way for a sauce I probably had as a kid.

I hope that Nintendo floods the market to the point where they can’t even sell them for that.

I guess somebody hacked the account, because that is wayyy too well written for that idiot.

or alternatively, you keep your roll on the back of the toilet.

Nope, still shit. They get insanely hot, and barely work.

And it begins. Thanks pdp.

Pfft. we were all being monitored the entire time so why the fuck are you freaking out about immigrants?