Christine Q.

why the hell is this a thing?

Yeah.... They’re still screwed..

yep, nerfnow is still shit.

Starscream was the shit. one of the most fleshed out characters, turned into a freakin’ jet, and even the name was badass.

It’s hilarious how everyone says they love settlers of catan, and yet, whenever there’s a set around with enough people to play, everybody’s like “fuck that game.”

....dude, all controllers worth their salt are rechargable. And who says pwn anymore?

piss off, i remember those days, and i’m not that fuckin’ old.

I’m uncomfortable with the thought that 10,000 teenage tumblr girls now have a guide on how to draw mario yaoi.

they’re all pretty hideous.

Nah. Gimme Perlman back pls.

saying what we’re all thinking.

Ban the use as symbols for speech. like the alphabet. you can’t spell all those hurtful words without an alphabet.

Fuck you dude, you shit the bed twice.

it’s almost as if you’re trying to be snarky by pointing out a thing about another thing, so original!

It makes sense considering the series is full of outdated WoW and moba bullshit.

yeah no. despite all the bleeding heart millenial bullshit, we still continue to ignore them

so, it’s a wearable camera that....has a bad camera.... fuck, i feel a stroke coming on.