Christine Q.

jesus. i remember playing a game that was similar to a claw machine, “winning” an ipod, except it didn’t drop from its location properly and the employee being a dick about it.

Almost like they knew only a small percentage of us were going to be able to play the game so they wanted us to know what we were missing.

I made it though like 4 minutes of this, it’s waaaay too jarring for me.

fuck barbecues.

You realize this show’s been over for over 4 years now, right?


In my opinion you can’t judge an epic story on like the bulk of it, you kinda weigh the good vs the bad, and had I went along with it the entirety of the 7 years, I probably would’ve been frustrated at the lengthy breaks but would’ve enjoyed the story a bit more. There are lengthier text blocks of the story I

My friends basically insisted that i read the thing so much i read the entire 10k pages in like 2 months.

Yeah, webcomic is closest to what it is primarily but whenever someone asks me when i’m wearing my shirt, I just say web series.

Except why Goro somehow goes from rational to nuts

considering the series started 21 years ago...

It’ll certainly kill the franchise, that’s for sure.

I’m just curious how goro went from being moderately sensible to crazy asshole in the span of 0's finale to the post credits cutscene

considering their porkbelly sandwich gave me chest pains (no shit) i’m down with the new motto.

In a thread of “i’m not touching this” this is the best comment.

because it was remarkably smart to tell us you were a scalper yourself. It’s selfish pricks like yourself which are part of the problem.

This is Ryo Hazuki. the guy in the video is some dude in a mask.

they’re thoughtless ice zombies. you think they’re going to fight that order?

is there something that stops the app from being uninstalled? ‘cause i can guarantee that’s gonna happen