Christine Q.

...every home console, from the Wii U through to the ....

I’m guessing matpat from the game theorists? It was pretty amazing how quickly he sold his brand, his soul and his credibility for that nintendo deal.

...had to just pee in his cornflakes didn’t you?

it was a goddamn great book

Poor Ron Perlman. first booted out of Fallout 4 now this. bastards.

and while we’re improving evil, why don’t we give hitler the ability to time travel

you gotta wonder how differently it would’ve gone down if the deal worked.

only $20 for a game that’s barely worth $10

only $20 for a game that’s barely worth $10

So it’s potentially a hardcore gaming pc for pc gamers who don’t want their pc to have a thousand shimmering, gaudy lights. so... they plan on selling none then.

The eight games.

you don’t have to care to shitpost.

And here’s me not caring :3

In which she will

Well, we can all go home now. Nintendo’s finally lost its damn mind.

i’m having one right now.

Well all the comics this week are terrible, so you should feel uniformly disappointed.

Well. I guess that’s one way to Nerf that.

The answer rhymes with Think, which you should’ve realized already

okay, are they like 2 piece? like a black cap and a transparent bottom or is it one piece? i’m asking because a lot of times, if it’s just painted clear plastic the black rubs off quickly.