Christine Q.

Wooooow. that sucks. bad.

yeah but then both consumers can’t make an informed decision, and those lucky youtubers lose out on content to put out until after the fact. Not to mention those youtubers can’t even monetize a nintendo video without going through some atrocious red tape.

No, people are stupid.

an Iceman movie? That sounds boring as all fuck.

As if i needed more proof that PDP’s fanbase is 90% assholes. Jack’s good people, and actually took a level-headed stance, which was equal parts critical and defensive of felix, which is more than I can say of Markiplier (Which I give him props for defending his friend, but let’s face it, his “respect” video was too

Eh. This is nothing new. The only game that spurs this by making their rarer cards not instantly foil is magic.

why is damian being portrayed as a (kinda young) adult? most of the comics portray him from like 10-13.

....I’m sorry, but who’s filled with cold farts?

It’s convoluted. Carmack absconded with code and data that wasn’t his to take, and palmer violated an NDA if i understand it correctly.

GameStop issued approximately $1 Billion of trade credits to our customers last year.

I don’t want to beat a dead horse in saying mcdonald’s sucks, but then they wouldn’t be able to use that tender dead horsemeat to make their shitty hamburgers. seriously, mcdonalds is where food goes to rot (or would if it weren’t pumped with so many mysterious food additives). I live nearby an especially bad one and

no, it’s actually perfect considering how nuts the dude is about batman. he’s penned 2 batmen stories already.

I love me some Harry Potter but the poster is so much nicer without that big fucking garish logo that takes up more space than the actual reason you’re buying the damn poster.

why is the text red instead of yellow?

You uh, wait for the reviews on those, buddy.

Yeah well I’m not holding my breath, when the only things you have to count on is Splatoon and Zelda so far

It’s amusing how a system with 5 launch games, only one of which looks to be any good, and an abysmal gaming year of 25 titles getting released (with over half of them being ports) is getting so much attention

Old but still relevant