
Alternatively, you can skip all the DIY, and opt for Inflatable Movie screens

"but they're much more fun to collect the old-fashioned way"

QuckPic Wins.

Thank you.

Why can't you create an account without logging in with facebook?

Goods or Services?

Can I be a windows user and still have a linksys router with DD-WRT?

There are none.

Been using VibeStreamer for years and love it.

I can see how you 'don't see it taking off'.

Would this still work if the option is selected to prompt to choose between Google Voice/ Without Google Voice?

If you are the one creating such a promotion or advertisement using a QR code, you kind of already pre-selected your target audience. The elusiveness of access to a QR code is also its allure. I am in the midst of promotion using a single word and a QR code... Bansky style.

Glad I found this.

That is my thought also.

It would be really cool to get android (or the elusive ChromeOS) ported on a desktop so I can run this Jukefox on a home droid-media center. Does that exist?

My power pose involves gently cupping my genitalia.

The exact one.


When Grooveshark first launched and prodded you to upload your music under the protective guise of do not upload copyrighted music) I was more than happy to help the shiny new service by uploading my copyrighted music. I was a firm believer that the masses were not really interested in garage bands, since in fact you