
So he made about 40 bucks then? That’ll get him by until he starts work at Home Depot on Monday.

And now they’re making up for it by building a youth center in Oakland. 

I hope they address why they didn’t put an end to slavery.

That’s me!

Dude’s like 50... This is getting weird now.

She do be lookin good tho

I have had a couple interactions with Aurora PD and lemme tell you, they are some ASSHOLES. 

It’s not like they were going to deliver them anyway haha

People born in THIS decade die everyday...

Built-in COVID shields too.

Who the sam hell would buy their dog “Sportmix High Energy 10-HOUR Boost ULTRA MAX” dogfood?

Put it on PC. Problem solved.

You only have to be 1/128 blood to be a recognized tribal member. 

Isn’t that the beauty of privilege? That they aren’t even aware of it? Both of you are part of the problem.

Anyone interested in bearing witness to unchecked privilege and all it’s glory, look no further than this comment section. 

What else can I say? You are cockeyed on the whole argument. My objection isn’t with her political views or even the content of whatever point she was trying to make, but how she is so steeped in her privilege she basically brags that her and nobody she knows lost their job... 

I think you are the one missing the point.

Did YOU read what you wrote?

Wow. So you and all the likely very similarly circumstanced people you know kept your jobs?? That’s an incredible statistical anomaly! No really. Kindly stfu and move along.

The 2018 is quite easy to upgrade the ram yourself. I put 32gb in mine for a fraction of what Apple would charge.