This happened to me except I was in the middle of a trip and tried to get into Cambodia from Thailand. Cambodia requires >6 months. I also learned Indonesia requires >1 year.
This happened to me except I was in the middle of a trip and tried to get into Cambodia from Thailand. Cambodia requires >6 months. I also learned Indonesia requires >1 year.
Seeing them later tonight!
Choosing to decorate your device with a slavery supporting ex President? Hmmm...
Good content, spoiler alert for those still playing.
Olive Garden ain’t cheap!
What? Why? Maybe I’m just noticing now, but your content is god awful.
White fragility is a real (and concerning) thing.
Uh... what?
This is ridiculous. How are you going to tell a Latino dude how to use his racial slur. That’s the ultimate in white oppression.
Why? Religion continues to play an important role in culture, morals, and community. Finding no personal connection to it, does not entitle you to talk down on those who do.
Isn’t it kinda problematic to call this surprising? Surprising to whom? “Interesting Intersection Between...” “Fascinating Intersection Between...” or how about “The Intersection between Islam and Science Fiction”