
They’ll operate under a separate business entity.

I know it’s easy to be snarky about their claim, but they do have a (technical) point. Assuming their drivers are all still classified as independent contractors, all Lyft or Uber provide is a tool for coordinating shared rides and for processing the independent contractor’s fare (minus their service fee!). Granted,

Was this a few years ago? Like around when Uber was starting up? It’d be impossible now, unless the driver was lying to Uber, to operate using that sort of vehicle. But back in the first year or two? You could have run Uber fares with just about anything that was legally permissible on public roads. I remember getting

I work in tech, in fact for one of the named giants, and I support her efforts. We, as a society, need to evaluate whether or not these sort of “perceived monopolies” are in fact monopolies in violation of antitrust laws. I don’t necessarily think they are (entirely), but there is huge value in actually scrutinizing

Lemme tell you about a little thing we call “democracy”. 

Let’s be a little more intellectually honest. We exist within a global, capitalistic, economy. Extremist, supremacist, and purposefully false user generated content is typically more damaging to the bottom line through such things as loss of advertisers, or loss of market share from user flight.
Facebook is a

You only eradicate this shit through functional education programs that teach critical thought and factual analysis. “Coincidentally”, the Right has been working overtime the past 30-40 years to ensure that doesn’t happen via their all-out war against well regulated public education. There are also many on the Left

I think that you’re reading the comment at face value when it’s intended to be snarky/sarcastic

Next Amazon Prime TV series, starring Jim from The Office

You think he has the time to govern his constituency? Declaring South Bend a sanctuary city involves actual policy and stuff, too much work.

Old, single-dude “cooking” hack 

I disagree with the “make it federal”, the authority and requirements in this regard are clearly defined in the US Constitution. The federal government can’t legally define the states’ election rules but can decertify a rule/election if it is determined to be in violation of any of the bill of rights clauses. The

I agree, the mindset of “Muahaha we’ll show them! We’ll give them the migrants!”, while childish and cartoonish, assumes that would be a bad thing. Drop those poor people off in San Fran, give them a heads up, they’ll be taken care of properly. Same for New York and I’d assume any other sanctuary city. We need the

It rally has become the evolution of those old geoshitties websites with the looping gifs and shit plastered everywhere.

Pelosi, for all of her good work throughout her career, is still a boomer politician. She, like almost each and every other congressperson, truly believes in capital C Capitalism. Capitalism, not just as an economic system, but as a guiding principle and governing philosophy. She’s wired to default to rejecting any

Now just photoshop that rolled up paper in the sheriff’s hand into something more fun and we have the next Lemon Party.

𝑆𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑒 didn’t do so hot on the verbal section of his SATs...

Meh, it wasn’t such a big deal. I got an hour or so in (at level 14) before someone decided that they needed to cull the top players for time. Even then, had I been less confused about wtf was happening I’d have also gotten that kill. Popped the dude a headshot with my revolver (again, level 14) and then stood there a

We’ve also castrated ourselves in regard to “peacetime” policing of the global waterways by diverting much needed upgrades and maintenance money into unnecessary blow shit up in the desert chasing specters money.

Believe it or not we do need the military to ensure global safety, trade, and commerce. Somebody needs to

Yes, before 1975 we were more blase about upholding the Constitution. For example we also sent National Guardsmen to put down, through force, union strikes and student protests. We also jailed people for being “socialists” or “communists” or “anarchists”. Do you think it’s a great idea to start recreating those