Mister Fox

Congratulations! You can find a lot of good stuff on Ebay from pre-90s Sesame Street. I loved finding the earlier version of the Sesame Street Dictionary. It’s full of funny jokes written in small print. And the Sesame Street Encyclopedia set can be accumulated in dribs and drabs. Hard to find but beloved by my kids

Take the time to enjoy the stage you’re at. There will be plenty of time to worry about telvision shows in a few years. Keep them away from screens the first few years and just concentrate on the moment you are in now.

First, congratulations. Second, I’m a year into having a child and he’s literally never watched TV. You do not need it, and it does not benefit them.

The wife and I are trying and I laid down the law: no caillou. To hell with that bald spoiled mutant kid.


Congratulations! Parenting is absolutely everything it’s cracked up to be & more - & I mean that in both a good & a bad way. You will be more exhausted, cranky, nervous & downright scared than you ever have been in your lives - but you will also be much, MUCH happier!

When I was pregnant with my daughter 12 years ago, I went on Amazon and found original Sesame Street shows on DVD. I found Mr. Rogers and electric company... The classics I just knew we’d love together!

Congratulations on your upcoming little one!

Congratulations — and I sympathize. Our little boy is just about a year old, and the nine months getting to him consisted of fear, terror, tears, nausea (So. Much. Nausea) and more tears. Followed by an unplanned c-section at the end.

Can you get DVDs of old school 80s and 90s Sesame Street and Mr Rogers?

Congrats! Parenthood is a trip, but a fun one. There are so many educational shows out there now, my toddler doesn’t even watch Sesame Street. She doesn’t want to. Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood (which is a great cartoon rehash of Mr. Rogers-style emotional content), Curious George (which teaches science basics), Wild

It’s a small decision, but an important one nonetheless. Congratulations, and best of luck!

Yeah! Don’t demonize the entire movement because of the violent, radical extremists who go too far and venture into terrorism!

This is so typical of the left to immediately begin demonizing a messenger because they don’t agree with the message.

Only a few seasons away from Al Davis Brand Skin Flakin Leprosy

I’ve found that almost every Mazda salesperson I’ve ever dealt with is above-average in knowledge of their product. I’m not saying they’re experts, but they seem to put other brands to shame in that regard. Must be a requirement for their sales staff to go through a ton of training or something.

To keep people from driving it and lot-walkers from touching it.

I’m starting to realize this. In retrospect, now I’m glad my Mazda salesman both daily-drove a stick and was able to talk about the specifics of the drivetrain and chassis of the 3 when I was shopping.

As a pilot, if I’m within the safe parameters of a chute pull and don’t have an easy way to an airport, you can be damn sure I’m pulling the chute. Off airport landings can very easily turn into not pretty things; and it’s not always something the pilot has control over. There are too many unknowns, and I’m not

When I was in high school, I was walking with my little brother and sister just a few feet from a group of young girls who were struck by a car that jumped the curb when (drunk) driver lost control. It was also Halloween night. Several were critically injured and one died on the scene, shortly after impact. In the