
Hernando: "Lito, I consider myself… Uranus Ascending."

The guy with the phone in the title picture was used for a clever blink-and-you-miss-it trick: When Sun is dodging the pistol shot, you can see Capheus doing the same move on the smart phone display.

There's an interesting moral quandary about accountability for sensates. Sun seemed to use Capheus basically like a video game character, killing a bunch of dudes to let off some steam, but it's Capheus who's the actual killer in the eye of the law (not that I think, the police will come looking for him). There might

Next season, Bug will take a trip to Nairobi. "Hey Van Damme, consider yourself… Speed Racer."

A bus delivered a flying kick. I repeat: A BUS delivered a flying kick. Any argument is therefore invalid.

So what you're saying is, good fight scenes involve doppelgangers?

But fake bot madam also graciously upvoted my comment. I believe, fake bot madam has a big fake bot heart.

Something tells me, you have to be pretty high, holding a telephone receiver to a crowning baby.

Well, I don't know if "C-section shaming" is an actual widespread thing. I just called it that.

I have the same feeling, that Riley will become the Angelica of the cluster.

There is no spoon!

Personally, I tried to explain it away, that it wasn't a C-section out of medical necessity, but out of convenience, because Nomi's mother is that kind of character. Otherwise, this sort of C-section shaming would almost be anti-vaccination level kinds of bad.

The fact alone, that he so easily declares sensates a different species from humans (and at least implied: a superior species), doesn't sit right with me. Except for their gifts, nothing seen so far separates the sensates from the rest of humanity, and given the themes of common humanity this show promotes, I kinda

It's interesting to note, that the artificial stylishness of Lito's entrance quickly went away, when he got his ass whooped by Joaquin, and only came back, when Wolfgang took over.

I couldn't agree more. Not only is the ending a unique TV experience, it's also a bravura display of artistry, especially the way the editing harmonizes with the music, with long slow motion passages slowly ramping up to a thunderstorm of quick cuts, when the car hits the snow, Riley faints and the orchestra hits the

Yep, I noticed that, too. Maybe it is this show's "Cloud Atlas Sextet".

Well, it's no 40min concept song about the futility of the pursuit of happiness or something.

Yes, I do. It's called black humor. Your mileage may vary, of course.

I don't know, how these comment sections of the episode reviews are supposed to work, if (a) the people, who watched ahead, aren't willing to be more considerate (which I'm totally willing to be in the future - sorry, again!), but also if (b) the spoilerphobiacs aren't willing to chill down a bit and stop overrating

Okay, I apologize. Although, frankly, I'm completely, utterly, baffled, how THAT is supposed to be a spoiler, nevermind one, that warrants such a reaction.