
The problem was that Michelle’s reform of school lunches led to restrictions that caused unappetizing meals that kids threw away in bundles. Most of the kids at my older son’d school get free breakfast. Kids who gladly aye school lunches before stopped. I know we are supposed to canonize the Obamas, but school lunches

My kids talked about it.  They called them the “Michelle Obama” lunches, and they told me about how all the kids would throw them away and survive on hot cheetos and similar snacks instead.

Michelle Obama’s school lunches were an utter failure.  All the kids throw them away, meaning wasted food, and buy lunch food.  They were unbelievably unappetizing. 

There are no more books, and there will never be any more books.  Get over it.  He has no reason to write. 

Johnny Utah would be good on the iron throne

People want to pretend that none of this was set up so they can feel better about naming their cat Khaleesi.  

She was a monster from the beginning.  She is not a hero, and never was. She  wanted to force her better world on everyone.  She made slaves into servants. She WAS the wheel.  That's the whole point

I know you guys are supposed to be snarky, but someone took a pic of the guy on the toilet and put it on line. That is terrible, even if you don’t like the guy. Oh wait, you guys are cool with outing people and posting sex tapes.  You suck.

They have overwhelming evidence. He was let go because of money and powerful friends. This lady so right, and this is why favoritism is wrong 

People were enthralled with all the girl power, breaker of chains bullshit and never saw the fundamental hypocrisy behind breaking the wheel in order to sit on the Iron Throne.  Dany IS the wheel.  The whole point of her character is that liberation is the lie, and the small fill get it in the end, no matter who wins

Maybe he is conservative and supports the President, being a rich guy. Of course, in your world, black people are only allowed to have one point of view.

Based on your detailed knowledge of her mental health

I saw Star Wars (it was not called A New Hope back then and it was just a movie) in the theater as a small child, and was enthralled by the initial trilogy, which finished as I was entering puberty. My own children were more Harry Potter than Star Wars, I think in part because the prequels were not a strong entry

Ad when the clerk loses his job, or the owner loses his license, and people get hurt it is just so fucking funny. You suck.

So stealing is ok as long as the victim has more money than you.  And especially if the victim is male.  You suck.  Stealing is wrong.  

Let’s live in a nation where the authorities get to presume people guilty and film them naked as long as they feel that they are doing it for a good reason.

The Warriors are the New England Patriots of basketball

I stopped reading halfway through when I realized I could not tell if this was a review or a commercial. Was this a sponsored post?

Union shop quality

You don't have to invent science. I am all for transgender people living equally, but we do not understand the mechanism that influences gender.   Part of bigotry is that there has been little objective research, and there is a lot to learn.