
What's a yinz?

No one forced you to be an angry, bitter failure, but here we are. I am sorry your mom didn't love you, but let's be honest, you really can't blame her.

Larger forces like "unions want their taste of the skim."

No one forces anyone to be a rideshare driver.

So brave. Your criticism of comics will lead us to a brave new world. 🙄

This is called taking light entertainment way too seriously.  Christ. Enough already.

This story has NOTHING to do with climate change.  I read the research paper.  No discussion of climate change whatsoever.  

You made a story that literally has nothing to do with climate change about climate change.  Propaganda!

AOC does not even know what anti-trust means.  Sarah Palin of the left continues.

“Censorship is great as long as they censor the stuff I don’t like!”

But not as dumb as socialism


The arrogance of this is astounding. You erase the agency of conservative women entirely.  You are so intolerant that you deny the basic validity of anyoe who does not share your world view.  A better world would be one in which women are not expected to embrace a single ideology, belief, or political party.  Some

“find your way to freedom”

The NBA is still a thing?  So boring.

He lied and faked the attack. Turns out money and connections are more imports than race if you want a break. Pretty clear.

“a panorama of colliding CGI figures”

Until they steal from them 

So much effort was spent programming them not to tell. His entire life was built around concealing his abuse of children.  He was a cold and evil motherfucker.