
As distasteful as these guys are, it seems like we are picking scapegoats to blame for a horror we all ignored. I am not sure how helpful it is to throw old guys in prison.

They are furious that a major penalty was called on a dangerous and illegal cross check that resulted in serious injury.  Yep, Vegas is ready for the Raiders.

If you honestly believe that such an overly broad oversimplification offers any insight, then you have a lot to work on as an intellect

They drafted a quarterback, a receiver, and a pass rusher who showed great promise and ability early in their careers.  You act like they had something to build on 

Go visit Madera High School. The state has foisted the burden of hundreds of thousands of desperately poor people on the state's poorest communities, who have to educate their children and provide services to their families.

The state is not protecting those legally here. They don't need protection.  They are protecting those here illegally.

Who are at no risk from ICE.

Don't try to inject rationality into this discussion.

I like the part where his fans can spell.

The Electoral College is important, and abolishing it as a knee jerk reaction to Trump is foolhardy. This makes me question her judgment.

The problem for Democrats is too often when they say "workers" they mean "unions." Massive corporate unions like SEIU need to be busted as badly as Facebook or Amazon. Modern unionism has failed because it has taken the power of collective bargaining out of the hands of workers and have placed it in the hands of

Riding a 150 cc scooter for a few years prepared me well for a bike

47 years old here. I have been restoring old scooters for a few years, and had taken the MSF course. I recently took the plunge with a Ninja 400 and am having a blast. Middle aged dad doesn’t worry about impressing bros - and I got a cool looking bike that is tons of fun.

I know this need

It isn't for truck bros. It is for dads who need to carry shit

Coach K is disgusted by this corruption as he wipes has ass with $100 bills from Nike.  

I drive it as much as I can. That pic was on 700 Mile road trip

Thanks! Medal winner at the 2018 Torc Toyotafest in Long Beach, CA

No. Mine plays dog

Got one!