
Take your blinders off. It is only them today. The lens of oppression always widens, and it always begins its focus on the repellent. It won't stay there 

Made the Westboro Baptist Church very wealthy

You have a limited and narrow view of free speech. It is patently illegal to bar people from public accommodations due to their political and social beliefs.

Thank you for expressing an actual understanding of this country. Such things are rare here.

This is how it starts. Create a label that people agree is despicable, like “Nazi” and apply it to despicable people and destroy them. Then we all agree that the bad people are being dealt with, and that personal destruction is the way to deal with them.

Yeah....sure that’s why.  That is a logical leap that requires a magnanimous view of law enforcement’s idea of an “open and shut” case.  The only way you have a 99% conviction rate is a lack of due process.

They are really ugly

No mention of the Russian collusion conspiracy theory? It's pretty popular right now.


The Japanese system does not allow the accused a fair trial 

Japan is hounding Ghosn - it is disturbing

They got me - but the Ghosn thing is fucked up all the same 

I read it but did not pay attention to the date, true.  But if you think what is going on with Ghosn in what is a facist criminal system is ok, then you have a bigger problem.

Pop songs carry a lot of weight. Ask Michael Jackson.

Their system has like a 99% conviction rate, which they justify by the infallibility of their police. It's Minority Report shit.

Japan's criminal system is oppressive and not entitled to credibility here. They also arrested the chief designer of the Supra. This is getting hinky, a a smart publication would start asking questions.

Chill. He did not say anything 

This is all so tired.

When Martin Scorcese is making comic book movies, we are lost.

Her acting was terrible here. She, like almost all of the cast, will quickly be forgotten. It is how this goes.