
The American left hates poor people, but they really hate rural poor people 

Please do not forget that Jim Carrey emotionally abused his girlfriend and gave her an STD. He may not be Mussolini, but he is an asshole.

I have lots of shitty people in my family. Some of them are deservedly in prison. The cousin I played with as a child will not see the light of day for decades - thank God. I am not defending any of them.

To me, he is always B-b-b-Billy B-b-b-Bibbitt

That is a bizarre standard.  What a job can be paid depends on the revenue it generates.

Misinformation is the stock in trade of all of the GMG blogs. 

Proof that she wasn't that good

Do you realize that proclaiming that the world will end in 12 years makes you sound like an apocalyptic cult?

I bet you have no understanding of what the word “corporation” means. Did you know that every movie is made by corporations? Even small, indie art films are made by corporations. Charities are corporations. Unions are corporations. Small family businesses are corporations.

Best MCU movie. Not even close.

This might be the dumbest thing ever written.

This is excellent comedy.

How dare he live his life!

God forbid we use data and scientific method to test your knee jerk conclusion.  Splinter...checks out 

Or we could just be silly talking about a silly subject. I am no better than that.

Yes, Peugeot is exactly the success story that Honda is, and the French automotive industry is well-known for it's success when stacked against Japan. 🙄

Incredibly reliable if you can find rare parts, a mechanic who knows a brand not sold here in 30 years, and you pour money into it regularly.

Thank you. This is the first review I have read that treats this movie as a movie, and not as a novelty prop that says “look a horror movie about a normal black family.” We will know we have grown up when the reviews are like this one, and focus on the story more than the racial significance of the characters. I

These are cars of such poor build quality that they failed to compete with malaise era GM.

Matchstick Men is one of my favorite movies.