
@Scott: I thought so too maybe, i checked the company, it does seem to be US-base, actually now that i look at it, seems like it would be pretty easy to just throw a ground on to that top round part.

@AveSharia1: Ah, thanks for the info, my diet is pretty high fiber already, think ill skip it then.

@chrismoke: Man, i did not understand a single word in that video :/.

@djuniah: Ah, so thats it, i always thought hard drives were pretty well sealed to prevent any outside contaminants from getting onto the platters, i didn't know about this pressure hole thing.

They really have to do something someday about the fact that a capital 'i' looks just like a lowercase 'L'. Im assuming inventory/crafting is 'i'?

@chrismoke: 'i not a mug' if thats not a meme, it should be.

I kinda just like white bread, is it really that much healthier to buy whole wheat? I mean, i know whole grain is a big improvement as far as health goes, but it just tastes so horrible.

@—Core—: A grounding wire isn't absolutely required for things that use a small amount of electricity. Its still a good idea, what i really wonder though is how they would get every company in the entire nation/world to adopt this design.

@SkipErnst: 6000 new species and they all still taste kinda like chicken.

So, im just wondering, what exactly prevents the HDD from being able to be dipped besides the fact that it is not a solid-state drive?

@TheCrudMan: He said it was at the bottom in the video.

Is this right?

@canont2ilover: Well, its white AFTER its cooked, its not as red as the cow or pig you mentioned, but its still definitely pinkish.

HEY! i just realized i got gypped by the hexagon... i used to be able to move in 8 directions, curse you Sid!

@Mecharine: What is this inertial compass you speak of, or did you mean internal? (inertial compass sounds somewhat cool, although i have no idea how it would work exactly).

@James Valentine: Honestly, rat is not as bad as everyone thinks it is, as long as you get a healthy one.

@Assassin_Kensei: Yeah, but its so much wasted matter, believe it or not, this is america being less wasteful.

@CMYKfellow: Its just one of those words that happens to line up with another word that has an offensive meaning, they can coexist fine.

@canont2ilover: Chicken is pretty pink until its cooked, im assuming its not pre-cooked, and i dont think hygiene matters when they're going to soak it in ammonia, he could take a shit in it, and it'd probably be safe to eat after they got the ammonia back out...